
Our #piba24 sponsors

Why should you get involved?


Brand recognition

Get your brand seen and recognised by a wide range of businesses and people within the region. Within all sponsorship packages, your brand has the opportunity to feature in publications, on social media, on marketing collateral (both online and offline) and throughout the awards evening.

It’s time to activate your brand and connect with like-minded business people.

Show your support for the local area

Our key vision is to retain and attract talent within the area, plus drive local business and the economy. This would be done by promoting the area as a place that recognises staff, has a thriving business community and has employers that reward their team.

Engagement with the business community

The pinnacle event night is the perfect opportunity to meet and network with influential leaders within your business community.


Download your brochure

ⓘ Click an image to download your brochure.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Make it stand out

If you would like to discuss further packages, please download our PDF or contact our team:

Elly Taylor


  • Yes, we can create bespoke payment plans for your business.

  • Yes, please contact our team to discuss to bespoke sponsorship packages:

    Elly Taylor

  • No, as long as your business build their platform in this region.